Ten pieces of advice for a successful marriage

Marriage life becomes sweet and lasts longer when partners choose to take and respect this tough commitment. The word marriage can be defined in different ways but the most common refers to when two persons who are in love choose to make official their relationship. This official announcement can be made to their families, in the church depending on their belief, or in front of the local administration.


This article details ten important pieces of advice to follow once you decide to embark on this journey.


1. Communication


Communication is the most important point that is key to having a successful marriage, various married couples fail due to a lack of communication in their everyday lives. When you are married, tell your partner all about what troubles you, and what makes you happy, this will allow him or her to listen to you and take care of you whenever you are in such moods. 


Finding time to listen to each other and ask questions is vital since it is a sign of carefulness. This is very imperative, especially for men since women love care and attention. Always make sure that you know the moods of your partner.


2. Appreciation and acknowledgement


when you wake up in the morning, your first word to your spouse should be good “morning sweetheart”. Words like I love you, have a good day, I am sorry, I appreciate you, I missed you, should not be absent in your daily life since they are important in showing appreciation, love and encouragement to your partner.


3. Have fun


A marriage without fun and joy is considered a failed marriage, the couple should always see joy and fun as the best medicine for their marriage life, especially when there are crossing difficult times that may make them feel exhausted.


4. Compassion


In a healthy marriage, compassion is always appropriate. Partners have to be kind and treat one another with kindness, and tolerance as well as considers everything that is happening in their marriage. When you have a rude partner who always calls you names in front of your children, always be kind to him or her. 


The couple debates have to be constructive and not destructive, try to always bring constructive ideas in your debate and not harm your partner. Once you have had a bad day, it is important to tell your partner so that your needs and wants should be respected at that time. 


The couple is advised not to continue debates or conversations that may harm each other or bring anger before going to bed. It is always better to stop it and reserve it for another time when there will be enough time and also a good mood for a debate. Once you are in a relationship, don’t expect to win in a debate, if you try that, you will both lose, you have to all agree on one decision.


5. Respect and Integrity


Respect and integrity are one of the main values that have to characterize partners who want to build a wealthy marriage. A partner with integrity does not give promises that cannot be achieved, it is always better to give promises that you are able to accomplish. It is better to say what you can do than the opposite since this brings trust and respect to a couple's marriage.


6. Tolerance


We were all born different, and this should be a reason to accept each other’s weaknesses and encourage the strength of one another. As a partner, you have to learn how to accept the differences between you and tolerate when you have not met what you were expecting from your partner. It is better to try and learn to accept than try to change your partner since it is almost impossible to change a human being. 


7. Consistency


Consistency in the everyday life is a sign of commitment. In a relationship, partners should struggle to be consistent especially in good acts, but this should not exclude fun and jokes. Partners have to always be ready to sacrifice themselves for the spouses’ achievements. 


8. Supportive


Supporting someone in need is one of the best values that a human being need to have. When it comes to lovers, this has to be imperative, partners should always be supportive of their lovers, every time and everywhere.


9. Be romantic and always present


Being always when your spouse needs you is crucial, having sex in a marriage is important but also have time to prepare your spouse with a romantic gestures like touches and kisses. 


Research has revealed that touching increases the bonds in partners because once you touch each other, the oxytocin hormones are released in the body. According to Wikipedia, the oxytocin hormone is normally produced in the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary. This hormone also play role in social bonding and reproduction.


As a loving partner, put your phone and all its gadget aside and have time for your spouse since your presence is important in building your social bonds and love. Your partner has to be the priority in your plans and dreams of your lifetime.


10. Share and protect your individuality


If you want to have a healthy marriage and relationship, it is imperative to share your dreams, activities, hobbies, and all wishes and projects with your spouse. This also allows you two, to protect and support each other.


It is important to be with your partner every time, but this doesn’t exclude taking your time to be alone. You might be in need of taking care of yourself physically and mentally so there is no mistake if you find time for this.  


As we sum up our article, we call partners to try to learn and respect the above enumerated important points in your relationship, certainly, your marriage experience will be sweeter and happier. 

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