5 main reasons that destroy a happy marriage

A marriage is normally intended to bring happiness to partners. However, sometimes partners get into trouble and if they do not manage well their marriage falls apart. Some marriage partners know how to deal with problems that affect their marriage, others don’t know. To deal with a problem, you need first to identify it, understand it, know the reason for that problem and then see possible remedies.

In this story, we will give details on the reasons that mainly destroy a happy marriage. 

1. Communication breach 

Communication plays an important role in any relationship. When it comes to marriage, it becomes a condition sine qua non. When the communication between partners starts to decline, so does the love between them. When couples stop sharing news, views, worries and happy moments, their relationship weakens, and their marriage is likely to fail. 

Any failure in marriage starts with a lack of communication. If you find that the communication between you and your partner is suffering, do not wait until your marriage is broken, try to strengthen the channels of communication as you can.

2. Infidelity


The choice of your partner means that s/he is the only one you give the exclusive privilege about you and your feelings. Infidelity towards your partner can be an ipso facto condition to completely break the marriage relationship. Cheating is very harmful to marriage as it breaks the trust which is a foundation of marriage. Thus, it becomes extremely difficult to save a marriage broken by infidelity. Some partners manage to save the marriage after infidelity but it is most difficult since this act touches the emotional feelings of the partners. 

3. Shortage of affection and care 


One of the benefits of marriage is to have someone who takes care of you and proves a strong affection for you. It becomes a burden to find that your partner has no more affection and care for you. The relationship has no more taste. Everyone decides to get married because s/he expects to get affection from the partner. Affection and care are the foundation of a happy marriage and once the affection lessens in marriage, problems and disappointment also begin and this can lead to separation.

4. Financial crisis

Being financially stable is the primary wish of every person engaged in marriage. When couples lose the financial means to satisfy their needs, sometimes the responsibility is shifted to the partner for any reason. If partners fail to support each other and find together mitigating strategies to overcome such difficult times, the marriage falls apart. 

5. Different directions

Partners do not necessarily need to agree on each project of their marriage life. However, their plans should meet at a certain point. Otherwise, if your objectives and priorities can never meet as two parallel lines, tensions rise, and the marriage is likely to break down. Once you are committed to constructing a happy marriage, you need to also agree on your differences, especially in terms of ideas and visions. But this doesn’t mean that you don’t have to support each other in your different visions as long as those projects have the common goal of making the marriage a happy and enjoyable sphere.


Once you discover that there are one or two of the enumerated reasons for your marriage, don’t take it for granted since it shows the beginning of the fall of your happy marriage. Take action about this. This is, therefore, the best time to sit down with your partner and discuss what you can do together to prevent this fall. 

It is possible when you all agree on this. The important thing in your marriage is the way you communicate and the commitment you make after identifying an issue. Don’t be shy, initiate a conversation with your partner, you can save your marriage now.