7 important benefits of a family

The definitions attributed to the word “family” are different depending on how one considers its meaning. Some see a family as relatives from the same home, others define it as a group of extended lineages. 

The common definition given by dictionaries and the people in society is that a family is a social group that consists of parents either one or two living together with their children. This word cannot be defined correctly but what is known is that a family involves a shared love and commitment to one group.

A family plays a very crucial role in the functioning and formation of society by being the origin of the reproduction of people. It is a place where socialisation starts. 

The children acquire skills related to social connections in a family and those skills play a big role in their growth and impact their whole lifetime.

Every human being acquires values, lessons and habits from the family, so the presence and absence of a family affects strongly the growth and behaviours of individuals in a society. 

This article will detail the main reasons why a family is key in the life of a person.

1. A structured group  

A family is a structured group composed of a father, mother and children as well as other members from extended family. 

In order for a child to grow and learn from a young age, the presence of a family is imperative and once there is no family around a child, the growth and learning process experiences difficulties.

It is in the family where a child gets physical and emotional support to be able to grow better. Since a family is a structured entity, everyone belonging to it gets access to what they need in order to become a useful person in society. 

2. The family provides security

Being raised in a family doesn’t expose children to the hazard of the world because after all, every child is born dependent. When you are still young, you need financial and physical protection and the first provider is your family.

Once you are not grown up enough to take care of yourself, you always need your family and even when you are an adult, the family continue to provide care and protection. 

When you are in trouble, no matter what age you have, you can always go back to your family and seek support. Once you have a family, you will always be happy and comfortable that you have people who can hold you in their hands when you are in need.

3. Unconditional love 

Love is the foundation of the family and the first place where you will find care, empathy and kindness in the family. 

The love from our parents is unconditional since we are born. No one can pay back the love of a parent since the parents do whatever is needed to see their children growing in good conditions. 

All that the parents need in a family is to give their children love, kindness, and values so that they can also reflect that in society after becoming adults.

When we have a family, we have a sense of belonging to a place where we are loved and we are secure in unconditional love. 

Having a family increases in us a sense of security in terms of emotional support and this also provides us with an optimistic outlook on life.

4. We get education in a family  

Everyone remembers the stories told at a young age, some by siblings and parents. All this time is part of a learning process where a child gets an education in an informal and formal way before going to school. In this process, children get education on how to have good manners at home and in society. 

They continue to learn and get knowledge from how their parents behave in their daily lives. This is a period where a family impacts all the members, especially young ones and gives them insight into the world that they will be facing in their coming age.

5. Building identity and self-esteem


Every person like being respected and respect is a sign of love. Since love is the foundation of the family, when we are raised in a family, we are taught to develop a kind of self-esteem and identity ourselves. 

6. Support for life objectives and dreams 

Every human being grows up with dreams and targets in life, the family is the ground where we get an orientation about those ambitions. 

Parents and siblings help and facilitate you to choose and continue the journey of your goals. It is in the family that one can be secured and supported emotionally and financially to achieve the ambitions in life. 

7. Continuous support and basic needs

Once you have a family, you have the security of continuous support whatever level of finance your family has. A good family ensures the provision of basic needs to its members and this is achieved through the better planning and execution of the family budget. 

In most cases when we are going through hardship like financial crisis, sickness, and other troubles, our families never fail us. We are secure that we have a place to go and people to count on. 


All the above-mentioned reasons are some of the important details that show how a family is necessary for our life. 

The life of a human being is built on feelings, emotions, as well physical needs and all of this cannot be found easily in any other place apart from the family.

Wherever you go and however you live, you will never underestimate the importance of family in your life. This also leads to the conclusion that a family is the foundation of society. If we all build good families, we will have a good society as a result.