Three main reasons why people divorce

Studies have shown that incompatibility, immaturity in the partner, emotional abuse, lack of communication, sparing sex and intimacy sessions, and financial issues are all factors that contribute to cheating among partners.

Statistics also show that most marriages end in divorce within the first seven years, and it is believed that as a couple approaches their tenth wedding anniversary, marital satisfaction rises.

You may believe you understand the real cause of divorce in marriage, but there are some grounds for separation that you would never imagine. 

This article will tackle the real leading causes of divorce and some related statistics. Once you see one of those causes in your actual marriage life, it will be the best time for you to pay attention to that and start looking for possible change and improvement.

To know whether your marriage can be saved or not from divorce, read attentively below details on some of the reasons why partners separate. 

1. Adultery or an extramarital relationship 

The relationship can be doomed when one member leaves the partnership to satisfy their needs, whether they are physical or sexual. Once a partner finds out that his lover cheats on him or her, it is a sign of disappointment and this leads to the total loss of trust in the everyday life of this couple which may result in separation. 

About 40 per cent of married partners get divorced due to adulterous affairs that involved one of them. Contrary to what our emotions might have us believe, there are more complex contributing factors to cheating and some of those are anger, resentment, lack of emotional affection and mainly sexual desires.

2. Financial troubles

Various couples experience serious troubles due to the management of their finances. Statistics show that about 41% of divorces are due to the lack of compatibility in the family financial management. Partners fail to agree on how they manage their financial income. 

In some cases, one partner may be earning more money than another and think that grants him the authority of dictating the management of the money and this definitely leads to a power struggle which may result in separation. 

Financial difficulties are among the leading cause of divorce in couples.

3. Poor communication

Good communication among partners is one of the pillars of a successful marriage, and when communication is not done effectively, this marriage experiences difficulties. The two partners living together are supposed to be communicating every detail of their daily life so as to seek how to settle problems, and support each other. 

It is believed and studies have shown that effective communication is a contributing factor to a strong marriage.

Once communication is weak in a couple, the partner fell divided and alone and this ends up in a lack of care and love for one another. Poor communication is a serious cause of separation since; 65 per cent of divorce cases are caused by lack of communication.

Some partners may feel challenged because they are not used to good communication, or the cultures also don’t allow them to have this deep communication with spouses. 

However, that is not the reason, you need to save your marriage, make effort to effectively communicate with your spouse in your daily life and you will see the result.