Top ten signs of true love

The term true love can be defined as a kind of love that is manifested during a relationship without any condition attached to it. It is a way partners manifest reciprocal love and this love is mainly expressed by consistent feelings of one partner towards another

This article will detail the top ten signs that you have to observe if you are really looking for true love in your relationship journey.

1. Confidentiality

Your true lovers respect your privacy. Indeed, they are true secret keepers. They will never expose any of their entrusted private life to the public till they die. If your lover can reveal your private life, this is a sign that he/she doesn’t have true love.

2. Common goals

You realize that you truly love someone when they have the main place in your projects for the future, and vice versa! If your plans are not in conflict if you look in the same direction and share the same targets, believe that you are truly in love!

3. “WE” rule

In your daily discussions with your companion, “I” and “you” disappear in your life dictionary, and “WE” takes over. Everything will be done by “us” and everything will happen to “us”. You never imagine anything possible by yourself. Ego disappears and everything, even a feeling, is shared among you and your companion. 

4. Equity

True love is free from any ambitious feeling of domination. Lovers create a feeling that they have equal value, either physically or emotionally. They take their differences as an added value to the companion. When this type of value is shared by both the two in the relationship, it will help them give worth their contributions towards the betterment of their relationship.

5. Everything and nothing

You admire everything about your lover. However, if you are asked about what pushed you to really love them, you find nothing except the feeling that you love them. 

When you are not together, you feel that you have everything to tell them however when you meet you feel you have nothing to tell them. Together, you talk about “everything and nothing”! 

6. Sacrifice

Sacrifice is not only a feeling that you can die for the one you love but also let your choices, tastes and preferences die to leave the place for your loved ones. This manifest that you value the presence of your partner in your life if you can sacrifice everything you have for him/her.

7. Normal actions in abnormal situations

Situations change, but true lovers stay the same. They keep their engagements as usual. They do not pretend to do unusual actions in abnormal situations as opportunists do. 

8. Trust

As strategic companions, true lovers never leave any gap for doubts. None of the lovers doubts the faithfulness of the companion. None of them feels another can deliberately do something that can harm another one’s interests. 

9. Acceptance

True lovers find their differences as assets, not burdens. Both qualities and defaults are accepted as integral parts of the loved one. Someone who really loves you lets you be who you really are. Accepting your partner the way he/she is one of the signs of true love because this acceptance is unconditional.

10. Presence

Someone who really loves you will find time for you in any situation as your absence really hurt them. The absence of the loved one is strongly felt. It creates a hole inside your heart and mind that you cannot live any single moment without establishing a channel of communication (mail, call, SMS, physical or virtual meeting…) or at least throughout the imagination.  


Once you observe the above-listed ten signs in your relationship, it is a sign that your partner has true love. If not, take time and try to improve or have a conversation about it. This can be changed since all the said signs can be enhanced if partners are really committed to their relationship.