Why do partners cheat?

Every adult person had or will once in his lifetime have this question in the mind “why do folks cheat? Some of the responses to this question will be found below in this story. This shall help you change behaviours and also cope with cheaters in your relationship journey.

Cheating can be given different meanings depending on what the partners agreed upon, but all in all, cheating is generally qualified as failing to abide by the contract that two parties negotiated while preparing for the marriage and mostly the exclusiveness in regards to the sex and emotional affairs.

Some may feel that their partner has infidelity when there is an emotional affair with another friend rather than having physical affairs. Some may feel that a marriage is like a prison where there is no freedom and any act that is related to having relations with another person is considered cheating. 

No one wishes to be cheated on because it hurts, if it is possible to avoid this, everyone in a couple would do the best to contain this syndrome.

On many occasions, cheating is defined and associated with only having sex outside the relationship and this occurs simply as a non-respect to the marriage vow or engagement that the partners had made. 

It is also considered, as the situation in which one partner has always the desire for sex and cannot be satisfied in their relationship.

But this is not the main reason, since many other reasons are considered as the root cause of cheating habits in couples. 

Below, this story will develop different options of what may be the cause of cheating in partners.

Unsettled issues in the relationship  

Cheating happens as a result of various unsettled issues in relationships. This happens when one feels something is lacking in the existing relationship and meeting another person who can fulfil these needs leads to what is finally named infidelity.

Needs that are not met by one of the partners 

The unmet needs can be grouped into different categories but in general, they all turn around those important points which are the failure to get, moral support, care, sexual satisfaction and attention, from your partner. 

All these itemised causes lead to the desire to seek relief from another person who seems to have more seriousness in this matter.

Examples of failing to meet the needs in the relationship can start from failing to agree on the types of the channel to watch on TV, what recipe to eat at lunch or dinner, who does what at home, what types of car to drive, what type of clothing to put on, which place to go for vacation, having children or not, among others, so cheating gives a sense of relief and power.

It was revealed that people who have the problem of addiction to alcohol and drugs have more chances to be unfaithful in their relationships.

Getting to know the reasons why a partner has cheated on you is very crucial so that possible measures can be taken and move on in restoring love and faithfulness in the relationship. On the other hand, dealing with a wound or pain especially emotional-related pains, is not a simple and easy process and this takes time but it is possible for a committed partner.

In our coming stories, we will develop ideas on how a disappointed partner can cope with the infidelity and move on in the relationship.

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