Biblical principles you should understand for Healthy Marriage

Godly guidelines about healthy marriage are essential for every believer to know but most importantly to the youthful population that has reached the marriageable age and couples who aspire to have a happier marriage. Apart from building solid relationships, relationship experts argue that couples who keenly hold grudges on the biblical path can survive marriage hurdles.

In regards to the excellent gospel of Paul in the Ephesians, the apostle asserts that building upon gospel-centred principles of salvation and instilling a daily Christian lifestyle between the couples can strengthen the relationship in the long run.

According to the book of Mathew 22: 35-38, the Bible instructs couples to love God with all their hearts, soul, mind and spirit. "Repenting of anything that is put on the throne above Jesus. Put Jesus ahead of your own needs and desires. Put Jesus before your children, your work, and your ministry. Seek to please Him rather than needing to be right all the time. Love Jesus most," the scriptures advise.

In Ephesians 5:18 and 6:10-18, Paul counsels the marriage to be filled and guided by the Holy Spirit and, more particularly, to be christened—to perform their daily activities into parameters of the Holy Spirit and become more like Christ.

In Corinthians 1:3-8, the Bible advises, "May the father of compassion and the god of all comfort bring peace in your marital wounds and hurts".

At times when matricide is increasing, the couples should remember apostle Paul's spiritually filled advisory and look at scriptures like those in the Ephesians where married couples are to stray away from any temptation of hostility that is very likely among the couples.

Globally, 47,000 girls and women were reportedly killed by their husbands in the year. The alarming figures of matricide all over different areas of the world remind married couples to cling to godly principles to survive marital hurdles and build a healthy marriage.

In the Bible, Paul advises, "your enemy is not your spouse but Satan, who is described as a joint enemy. Paul, therefore, advises joining hands as spiritual warriors to defeat Satan in the Lord's mighty power."

Furthermore, the Bible recommends further taking the log out of someone's eye, confessing, and repenting while handling marital matters. In Matthew 7:3-5; James 4:1-4, the Bible says don't focus on what your spouse is doing wrong or not doing right.

It is highly recommended in the Bible that we forgive each other continuously. Forgive each other, reaffirm your love, and comfort each other. Forgive others as Christ has forgiven you, and continue to love them faithfully as He loves you. Still, comfort them as God comforts you. Refuse to fall into the temptation of remorse. Each morning, start anew, trusting God will renew His faithfulness to you daily.

"Speak life-giving words, not death words", the Bible also advises in Ephesians 4:29; Proverbs 18:21, urging couples to be flexible with each other and only seek comfort in Christ and hope that God nourishes each other according to their needs that it will make your spouse.

The Bible advises wives to love their husbands like the church loves Christ respectfully. In Ephesians 5:22-33; 1 Peter 3:1-6, the Bible advises, "Wife, your first calling of a wife is to love her husband in a respectful way". By this advice, the Bible notes that mature respect encourages strengths, affirms gifts and gently humbles challenges.

Towards men, the Bible says, shepherd your wife with Christ's centred love in Ephesians. Husbands, your first calling as a husband is shepherding your wife like Christ shepherds the church: Paul advises men to richly empower and treat them with respect as their spiritual co-heirs of God's kingdom (1 Peter 3:7).