Signs you are sabotaging your relationship

Any successful long-term relationship is not easy to break. There are many reasons why a relationship is not easy to untie with no strings attached. This is because the memories, emotions, and efforts invested by the two couples are not easier to give up. They have invested an excessive amount of time and energy in the process, and in these ways, they can't just believe their relationship is ending.

Self-sabotage in relationships can be done consciously or unconsciously with a ruinous impact.

Research shows that a few partners can break up without past scars, and often, a significant number of those who end their relationships are unwilling to give up the closeness they have created. As a result, most couples who break up tend to hold on to the grudges in their past positivity and turn it into cumulative negatives.

In such situations, couples are likely to sabotage their relationships consciously or unconsciously as well. One partner may start putting obstacles in the path, making it hard for approaches.

Meanwhile, with this, a person can become a self-saboteur without even realizing it due to a trail of past relationships hitting at him or her. Here are the signs of self-sabotaging.

Holding grudges

Suppose you find yourself protecting yourself unconsciously by pushing away the potential mate likely to date you. In that case, it is a good sign that you unconsciously hold past emotions from former relationships. Though someone can hide it, the potential mates trying to approach you will sense some irk going around you, and at the end of the day, they will leave you alone.


Having many sexual affairs with many people sometimes can be a sign you are self-sabotaging the relationships. This is done consciously or unconsciously so that the romantic partner will get mad by finding out and leaving.

Disapproval is a sign that you are sabotaging your relationship

Constructive criticism is always healthy and works even better in relationships. Still, when you find you always seek weakness in your partner's eyes. However, you know well that perfectionism is impossible and seek disapproval amid everything around your partner. Eventually, you have given up trying. It is a sign that you are self-sabotaging your relationship.

Serial dater

Partners who break up with their potential partners so easily or seemingly look it hard for you to settle down, there are high chances you are subconsciously self-sabotaging yourself from committed relationships. You will find that the partners are breaking up on the slightest issues, only to start dating another person away and repeat the cycle.

Silent treatment

Using silent treatment is one of the signs that you are a self-saboteur. Refusing to communicate with another person with who you are in a relationship is a harmful form of communication. Nonetheless, people use silent treatment in many relationships, but it is more common among those dating each other.


Sometimes, one partner wishes to solve an issue, and you find that another avoids the topic, says, or acts in a way that avoids reaching a tangible solution. It is a sign that your partner is sabotaging relationships.

Looking for escape

If one among the partners wants to draw things that lead to commitment, but the other meeting partner does show signs of non-committal and the more obligations invested in strengthening the relationships instead worsens the situation is a good sign of self-sabotaging.

On the other hand, if you find you are pulling away from the relationship or starting to become distant, avoid spending time with the other person. Then know you are consciously or unconsciously sabotaging relationships.