Why women should make the first move

It seems irrefutable that it's a man's job always to make the first move toward the process of forging romantic relationships. From the bars to the churches and all the gathering places, men are expected to make the first move. 

To some, a man-first approach tradition is an outdated 21st habit as far as feminism and women empowerment is concerned. There are reports of women who have approached men with their interests and successfully dated them.

For instance, singer Britney Spears reportedly approached and proposed to her then-husband Kevin Federline while flying from New York, USA.

It is noted down that Britney disclosed her first move to a man who caught her interest in a tabloid in 2004. 

"We were a couple of hours into the flight, and we would be talking the whole time, stuff about life, wanting to have kids, the future and everything like that….and we had talked about how some people don't have to get married when they're in love. Then all of a sudden, I said, What if you want to get married?' And I kind of went from there to ask him if he would marry me," she said.

A Bloomberg article published in 2020 reported that the introduction of dating apps was creating a ground space for women to make the first steps. As per the article, it was empowerment lauded to "reduce harassment and create a kinder exchange between the two people." 

According to LUMA Inc, the U.S based professional matchmaking company, women feel empowered and imbued when they take the first move in their love lives. 

"Strong independent women don't sit around waiting for guys for guys to ask them out; instead, they jump right in and make the first move," the website writes down.

Despite the controversy of the subject and divided opinions over the topic, some women feel powerful and in control over situations when given a chance to do so.

A recent by a U.S Pharmaceutical Company, where over 2,000 females between the ages of 18 and 40 were surveyed, found out less than 1 in 10 women made the first move.

Here are the five reasons why women should take the first move.

Men crave to be approached

Unless you are in a class 1940s or a baby boomer, a large number of classic men crave to be approached by the opposite gender.

Accordingly, it is scientifically proven that 10 per cent of men wait for long for a woman to approach them for a date. Yes, it's true women are terribly limited by the fear of rejection, but it is important for them to note that some guys are wooed by the go-getters and the bold women who take steps to start the journey.

It shows confidence

You have already read on different internet sources that men are moved by women who exude confidence. Yes, it is a lie. It is true. Either way, it doesn't mean arrogance. It is instead an attractive quality that will make you man like you doubly just because you took the first step.

Assertiveness takes away procrastination 

Women express their interests through microscopic cues that require only brave men to find out but unfortunately, men are not good at discovering subtle female signals. In addition to that, women are risking feeling boredom during the time of waiting. Therefore, setting foot first would save that time when you are sited around waiting for the approach.

Women feel good 

Approaching a man makes a woman feel good about themselves and powerful. It makes them feel as if they are boys when they spill their guts out and say, "I want this" Like men, women have the qualities they need from the man they are about to date. So it is better for them to make rewarding moves while deciding on a man.

It is a game changer 

Man-setting the first leg is one of the conservative dating stereotypes that has survived the change for a long time because women have sought to stick to their old habits. 

Additionally, women naturally prefer to be pampered than risking them a rough path which is worth energy but changing these habit help change the stereotype. 

Making the first move as a woman 

Making the first move as a woman might seem rocket science and uncomfortable in the eyes of a man, but it could be quite simple in such a way. It might be an important friendship, a co-worker, or just someone you met on the road, as Britney Spears did. Yet, the way you make a move matters.

Here is how: 

Open-ended question 

The common mistake women make when they are approached they start to give mixed signals instead of disclosing what they want, and because men do not know to reveal the subtle signs of a woman until they are told openly, they end up misunderstanding each other. Asking questions and ideals that openly invite the man into the woman's target is what brings out desired results.

Instant messaging 

With the introduction of technology and smartphones, we should note that it is more favourable for women to take their first legs while approaching men. Women shouldn't also hesitate to send them as many messages as they want but within limits as multiple messages will qualify to be a reflag in terms of being clingy. 


As some women remain strict on the old traditions when it comes to dating, a number of women of every age and women are unashamedly taking the first move and helping to change the setting. One study from 2012 indicates that 5,000 men testified that they had been asked out by a woman.

Impressively, 92 per cent of the men were comfortable with being approached by men. The introduction of technology and smartphones has created a favourable ground to be exploited by women so to take the move. It's not about forgetting the gender roles, and it's about the fact that the time is ripe for women to take the move.

Women shouldn't fear rejection because men's perception of the particular issue has totally changed. In fact, another survey found that 90% of men supported women making the first move, while 15% of women said they would make the first move.