"Relationship weight gain": How real is it?

Probably you are constantly why people get bellied often immediately after entering into new relationships. You get confused about why it is so. 

You are not alone. But the reality is, couples love weight or relationship weight gain is real. Romances and happiness attainment are one of the main causes behind this phenomenon.

There are over 100 available scientific proofs proving that being happy in a relationship is always beneficial to one's health, and this will therefore contribute to the weight of persons involved in what is dubbed as "love weight and weight gain in a relationship".

Conversely, moving out of a relationship can cost you to weight loss. 

A good illustration of this is the English singer Adele who allegedly lost 45 kilograms after separating from her husband, Simoni Konecki.

In the interview with the media personality Oprah Winfrey, Adele recounted her transformation after facing the breakup, depression and grief. 

Apart from Adele's testimony, psychological findings have proved that there are actually metabolically changes taking place in someone's body during the splits—lack of appetite to eat and reduction of the love weight.

Also, according to the VeryWellFit website, depression can reduce the speed of metabolism of the body, and hence the tendency of lovers' bodies to need much less food than before. 

This will make them eat more meals, and the drink they sip while looking at each other healthily contributes to their inner peace and well-being among lovers.

There is multiple medical evidence proving that romances and love euphoria metabolically catalyze weight gain among love birds. 

It sounds weirdest, but it's scientifically proven that weight gain is naturally contagious among couples. Research by the New England Journal of Medicine has indicated that weight gain in relationships can contribute to the same for the other.

According to the study, one partner gaining weight automatically leads to almost a 37% chance of gaining more weight as well (love weight).

Another study conducted on over 8,000 people found that married women gain 24 pounds in the first five years of marriage. While women who cohabitate but aren't married only gained 18 pounds. 

Also, a poll conducted on 2,000 Americans who are married or in a relationship indicated that more than three-quarters of respondents and a full 79 per cent gained weight following the first months of marriage. A study indicated that an average person could gain a total of 36 pounds following their first year living together with their partners. 

If a married person in the couple becomes obese, their spouse has a 37 per cent higher chance of becoming obese, too, studies indicate. One factor behind this phenomenon is attributed to contagious reasons, and the close proximity, the more the effect will take place.

Weight gain in love or love weight has become a popular topic and trending issue on the web and domineering internet searches. 

How is love weight applicable?

Numerous scientific pieces of evidence can prove the applicability of love weight or the cause behind gaining weight in relationships, but one of the major factors for this phenomenon is that married men were found to do fewer exercises than single men, a factor and hormonal changes contributing to fatty appearances. 

A total of 69 per cent of male respondents reported gaining weight during the first year of a relationship, compared to 45 per cent of women. As a matter of fact, men were found to put on "love weight" in the first year of marriage with an average of 22 pounds and 13 pounds. 

Why does "relationship weight gain" in love occur?

There are many speculative tendencies blamed for glooming up the weight gain in relationships where medical checkups indicated the BMI of couples in relationships increased compared to those who are not (singles). 

Here's a detailed cause:

Hormones to be blamed

Love weight or weight gain in relationships have close links to hormones. This is so because happy hormones are created during the course of lovemaking. Normally, during the secretion of these hormones, people in love are forced to crave chocolates and foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Domino effect

Weight gain in love or love weight will be blamed too. As per studies, one partner's behaviour regarding weight gain will automatically impact the other. This factor might be the reason behind the increase in weight compared to those who are single.

Spending a lot of time together

As many couples are likely to spend time together chances and spend weekends together, chances are high they are going to enjoy the weekends engaging in binge eats and enjoying a variety of foods and drinks. 

By doing this, they will actually have to gain love weight, the time the romantic partners spend with each other is likely to continue causing love weight gain, and the risks pertaining to obesity are high during the first and the second years of living together. 

In another research by Novak conducted on couples who are married for four years, happy couples were twice likely to put on love weight than couples who were not contented in their relationships. The study indicated that 15 pounds are likely to increase over four years.

Comfort zone

Many people, when they get into new relationships in the first years, tend to feel ecstasy which affects their body shapes. They may not want to gain "love weight", but of course, due to feeling happiness coupled with comfortability, gaining weight will be automatic.

Tips to reduce "love weight"

People should keep in mind that people's body shapes shouldn't determine or represent the attractions to wherever they pass. 

This article does not whatsoever aim to link the size of the people and attractions. But it should also be noted that gaining weight is healthily catastrophic.

And here are ways in which you can limit weight gain in relationships and trim the unwanted love weight or weight gain in relationships.


Many couples who are in a new relationship will assimilate into each other's lifestyle. Additionally, eating lifestyle on the particular matter is not spared as a result where partners will want to look like their spouses, but for couples to reduce love weight, they must be free to emulate their lifestyle, especially those related to eating habits.

Eat healthily 

In conclusion, it is important to choose wisely the meals you consume for you to be able to limit the possibilities of love weight as well as weight gain in relationships depending on the tendencies that you two will consume foods in a binge.