Secrets of happy marriages

A majority of couples experience a general decline in contentment in marriage during the first years of marriage. In contrast to this decline, numerous studies show those with children tend to experience a stronger decline. 

Those who survive the winds of change after tying the note are able to taste the secrets of happy marriages. According to studies, the lucky couples who remain attached to each other during the first years of marriage are those who can share habits and tend to remain focused on each other's positive strength, express gratitude as well as draw mitigation strategies instead of shifting the blame to each other. 

Furthermore, studies show the critical moments at which marriages tend to be tested are the first years of marriage when the satisfaction drops sharply and later at eight years. 

As a matter of fact, marriage is a conjugal union of two people, yet, the essence of successful marriage tends to differ from couple to couple. There are no universal standards for secrets of happy marriages, but definitive areas indicating the scope for successful marriages exist. 

Here are indications of happy marriages

The way they speak to each other

Relationship experts who managed to put a limelight on the secrets of happy marriages have found out that the way husbands and wives express themselves speaks a lot about personal perceptions of each other. 

For instance, those who are fondly into each other tend to describe themselves as "We" than those who use words like "I" when speaking about their relationships. To another extent, the couple's expression is seen expansively in detail about the relationship trail tracing back to their behaviour toward the need to solve the problem. 

Concealed disagreements

Tendencies are higher when couples no longer argue nor show dissatisfaction on certain disagreeable matters, and then it's an indicator that the marriage is no longer working anymore. The spouses may hide their behaviour in cold fights, which is more dangerous than a verbal outcry. 

Too many arguments are ruinous in nature, but a situation without a fight at all is an indicator of hopelessness, and therefore the couple has nothing more like any arguments left to argue against each other. Conversely, the reverse might be true, particularly when the couples are indicating a willingness to sit down to find a lasting solution to the disagreeable matter. 


Getting married doesn't mean the married person stops getting attracted to other people, and one secret indicating a happy marriage is that couples will swim through these romantic overtures. The stability amid other attractions in marriage will bring contentment and stability in marriage, without which one of the couples might start cheating, flirt with other people regularly, or react positively to romantic overtures in a way incurring to events leading to drifting.

Keep the embers of love alive

Most couples who enter into the marriage phase tend to take each for granted because they have merely married each other and have therefore scored highly desired goals. Secondly, the responsibilities that come with marriage are attributed to the declining flames of love after marriage. At the same time, evidence suggests potential benefits of expressing affection among couples. 

Keys to happy marriages 

As per various experts, research indicates no relationship is ever in perfect harmony. Meanwhile, unhappy marriages can become happy if certain prerequisites are cultivated. 

Here's how?

Staying close to each other's families

Getting close to each other's families is arguably an essential secret that would bring the partner feel more connected than ever. While it's very important to keep the marriage circle important, so is a vital factor to keep the family relationship so dear and close. 

Shared values 

One of the secrets of a happy marriage is at the moment when the couple has shared goals and values. Different sources have portrayed couples' essentiality towards having shared goals and values. Couples that share commonalities, such as shared interests and spiritual beliefs, are said to stay together for quite a long time. 

Thus, it is possible that couples might cultivate the experience by working together on a certain project or anything that would bring their shared energy into fusion. 

Sharing finances 

It is damn worth doing for couples to come together with the finances combined and shared. Putting this into practice doesn't necessarily require that couples have the same amount of earnings and incomes, yet evidence shows that what is required is the practice of the agreeable setting on money expenditure.

Apart from having shared goals, sharing finances is also a record breaker secret of holding or rekindling the flames of happy marriage. This is because you are a team, and you need to share finances. It's important to say where the money goes and spending. 

Forgive each other

Arguably, forgiveness is one of the major components of a happy marriage. This is because conflicts are unavoidable in social settings, and so is marriage. 

We always want other people to understand our perceptions, and when they don't do it, we feel anger and disconnection place. Thus, in our relationship in marriage or in platonic relationships, forgiveness can help bridge the existing gaps. 

Final thought 

Understanding the secrets of happy marriage and walking the talk is everyone's desire, yet on the other hand, conjugal conflicts come unexpectedly in an avoidable manner. What matters most when implicit or explicit conflicts arise is to look at different mechanisms to address a problem at hand.

Advisably, couples can look for a professional relationship therapist or a psychiatrist so to help them solve a problem at hand.